How to Keep Food & Beverage Labels Simple for Consumers.

In the past the food & beverage label was basically considered a marketing tactic. The thought behind that was; if the consumer can see exactly what is in our food, they will be more likely to buy our product. However with the increasing consumer push toward a healthier lifestyle; including foods and beverages, the FDA has made product labeling MANDATORY. The Food and Drug Administration has much stronger regulations now that suppliers MUST comply with when it comes to their packaging label for consumers. Therefore the question has become how to comply with the FDA and still keep their simple packaging label for consumers.


Something that all producers of consumer food & beverage labels needs to know (in addition to the companies that sell them) is to keep the packaging label for consumers concise and easy to read. It is vital to avoid long words (whenever possible) on the product label. If your food or beverage is one that necessitates using big, long scientific names; perhaps you should consider eliminating them altogether. If you utilize primarily natural ingredients this should be able to be accomplished by your company. Plus it is a given. If your food or beverage is healthier for the general public more people will buy it to begin with.

It is possible that your entire staff; management-level employees included, may need some educational re-training when it comes to the food & beverage label industry. Everyone from the bottom-level worker who produces the labels to the administrators who are running the company will need to know how to keep packaging label for consumers simple yet completely transparent. What this means is designing the labels in such a way that the consumer can understand all of the incorporated ingredients and feel completely safe buying your items. This is entirely viable for any food industry company, no matter what the size. People are much more concerned about their health today than perhaps a decade or two ago. They want to know that whatever they put into their bodies will not harm them in any way. Odds are good that you and your family are amongst this group of concerned citizens. One way to go about doing this is to ask younger children and/or teen-aged people to read your label. If they can pronounce and have a basic understanding of your product’s ingredients, then you must be on the right track.

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If you have some questions regarding the design of your packaging label for consumers there is an easy way you can have them answered. All you need to do is take a walk through your neighborhood supermarket and do a little homework. Personally check out some food & beverage labels and see what attracts you to certain products. Then examine the label on that item. If that turns out to be a product you would purchase make some mental notes? Then try to put similar packaging labels for consumers on YOUR items. Now take the opposite approach. If you decide to NEVER buy that product, make some other mental notes as to why. Then does everything you can to ensure that YOUR product labels DO NOT CONTAIN the same information. If you and your company choose to follow this advice, you might well see a sharp spike in the overall company sales. That means everyone will be happy; the consumers, yourself and your co-workers, and your bosses!

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